About FirstGateDreamer

The photos on this site are not always posted for their aesthetic appeal but for the stories and the feelings behind them and what they mean to me. I will do my best to post a new image a few times per week. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please don't be shy.

Creative Commons License If you would like to use any photos or get any prints contact me and I'll set something up for you depending on the usage.
All images and text are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

What's 'First Gate' ?

I chose this name to honour the lost art of DREAMING. More specifically, Lucid Dreaming as practiced by the ancient Toltecs. There are several steps to master lucid dreaming as described through the character Don Juan Mateus in the books of Carlos Casteneda.

The first step or 'gate' to lucid dreaming is to bridge your everyday consciousness into your dreams by attempting to orient yourself in your dream and to become aware that you are in fact dreaming. One technique is to try to look at your hands while dreaming.


Ron St. Louis
Ron St. Louis’ Facebook profile

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